Garage Door Repair/Replacement Policy

The Board, having the responsibility for Garage Door exterior aesthetic and maintenance has developed the following set of guidelines:

  • Association will replace broken door springs
  • Association will replace broken cables that attach the door to the spring system
  • Association will replace broken door hinges
  • Association will replace broken door rollers
  • Association will repair or replace a door damaged by snow removal equipment, landscape maintenance equipment or Others under contract to the Association.
  • Association will repair or replace a door damaged by random acts other than those caused by the co-owner or their guests
  • Association will maintain the exterior door paint
  • The co-owner is responsible for the automatic garage door opener repair and maintenance.
  • The co-owner is responsible for the electrical supply to the garage door opener
  • The co-owner is responsible for repairing any damage caused by them or their guests
  • New doors that need paint will be painted when the ambient temperature is above 45 degrees F
  • Small dings and scratches may not be repaired.